FQ Season1

 Forest's Quest Episode 1-I meet Sword!!!(Re re-Uploaded)

In this episode, I meet Sword and help him out.

 Forest's Quest Episode 2-DewGong and Yirby(Re re-Uploaded)

In this episode, we meet DewGong and Yirby.

Forest's Quest Episode 3-Flash Back Episode(Re re-Uploaded)

In this episode, me and Sword have a flashback on what happened.

Forest's Quest Episode 4-Angel, Sakura, and Icicle(Re re-Uploaded)

In this episode, Angel, Sakura, and Icicle get attacked by Sprids.

Forest's Quest Episode 5-First Boss!!!(Re re-Uploaded)

In this episode, Andy, Multi, and Bubble fight the first boss in the series.

Forest's Quest Ep6-Kirby in Danger(Re re-Uploaded)


In this episode, Andy, Bubble, and Multi fight off these Shy Guys.

Forest's Quest Ep7-Zach in Danger!(Re re-Uploaded)


In this episode, Angel,Icicle, and Sakura save Zach from the Spider Queen.

Forest's Quest Ep8-Corneil in Danger!(Re re-Uploaded)

In this episode, me Sword, and DewGong find our friend, Corneil in danger.

Forest's Quest Ep9-Trouble in the Skies!(Re re-Uploaded)


In this episode, Yirby fights off two Eeys.

Forest's Quest Ep10-Kirby(2) in Danger!(Re re-Uploaded)


In this episode, Kirby(2) is in trouble.

 Forest's Quest Ep11-Mommey(Re


In this episode, Multi,Andy,Bubble, and Kirby fight off Mommey.

Forest's Quest Ep12-Vampira(Re re-Uplaoded)

In this episode, Sword,DewGong,Forest, and Corneil battle off Vampira.

Forest's Quest Ep13-End of Season1

In this episode, the crews decide which land they go to

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